Performance Average uses algorithms to remove all outlier shot distances (both long and short) to give the golfer a true representation of the distance a well struck golf shot travels. The issue with just an average distance is that if you hit a tree 40 yards in front of you this is included in that statistic as does a shot caught clean then bounds down a cart path.
When deciding how far you hit each club we would suggest to take the P-AVG distances over the average distances.
The P-AVG will take some time until the algorithm kicks in, until then the system will half the total distance, after you have played around 5 rounds you should start to get some P-AVG distances with your clubs. The more shots you take the more accurate the P-AVG gets.
Any shot marked as a positional shot or a shot hit within 50 yards of the pin is not included in either the Average or P-AVG calculations. Click here to find out more about Positional shots.
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