The following article explains a list of reasons why your V3 or V2 might not be picking up all of your shots.
The watch gets better at recording your data the more you play, it can take 3-4 rounds before it has fully adjusted to the way you swing and play. We would recommend playing 3-4 rounds to allow the watch to sync to your game and then get back in touch if the performance of the watch still hasn’t improved.
Below is a list of potential issues that could cause the watch to under perform, please read through them and make sure that none of these are relevant to you. If one or more of the potential issues are relevant to you please amend before or during your next round.
1. Please ensure that you have inserted all the V3 or V2 tags into each club securely.
2. Take at least one practice swing or half swing before playing your shot (the more practice swings you take the better your data will be). The watch goes into ‘sleep’ mode between shots to conserve battery. If you don’t take a practice swing before hitting the shot the watch can still be in ‘sleep’ mode when you hit your shot and the watch won’t record it. Whilst we recommend at least one practice swing (ideally two) prior to each shot, it may not be something you are comfortable with or something you want to incorporate into your pre-shot routine. If this is the case for you then there are a few other options which may work for you instead. These are as follows:
- holding the golf club in your left hand when waiting to play a shot.
- holding the golf club in your left hand in a still position when waiting to play.
- a small, chipping motion prior to hitting a shot with the club in your left hand.
- a gentle waggle prior to playing a shot.
3. Check that you have the correct hand settings. If you are a right handed player the watch should be in the right hand swing setting. If you are a right handed player the watch should be worn on the left wrist. For more information on changing hand settings click here.
4. Wear the watch as close to the bottom of your wrist as you can. Wearing the watch up your arm will result in the tags being too far away from the watch and the shots won’t be recorded.
5. Don’t wear any other smartwatches (Apple watch, FitBit etc) or iON/magnetic straps on either wrist, also please avoid wearing metal and jewellery if possible.
6. Some shots require you grip down on the club, the watch will struggle to pick these shots up due to the tags being too far away from the watch. If you grip down on every shot this could cause an issue. We would recommend having one or two practice swings gripping the club at the top of the grip before playing the shot.
7. Please wear the watch so the face is on the outside of your arm with the screen facing skyward. The tag detecting technology is in the strap so its important that the strap is on the inside of your arm close to the tag. For more information on the best position to wear your watch click here.
8. If you have a counterbalance putter this could cause issues to your putting data. The extra metal in the grip can affect the watches ability to pick up putts. We recommend using manual putting mode or foregoing Pin Collect on course and editing your putts upon uploading your round. For more information on your putting options please click here.
If you are following all of our recommendations and you continue to have shot detection issues then please contact us at
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