Why won't my V2 watch connect with the desktop app?




  • Colm Kelly

    Can't get the desktop app - site doesn't load
    Had to use thr mobile app which fiesn't fo what is supposed to do byt nothing in ghe above to help wigh mobile app. This is the most ffustrsting experiencd I have ever had with sn item of technology. Nothing hsppens thst is supposed to happen!!!

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  • Shot Support

    Hi Colm, sorry to hear you're having issues, one of our agents has picked this up and has been in touch with you.

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  • Ron Wells

    I played my first round yesterday with the V2. It took a couple of holes before it found my course and I forgot to mark all my putts but I thought I could then sync to the Dashboard and edit the round. The watch seemed to sync and when I tried a second time it says no 'new' data to sync. When I go to the Dashboard there are no rounds showing. I thought I could sign off at the Dashboard, or is it because I may have been playing under GPS only. Help! Love the whole concept if I can only get ti working.

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